Monday, June 4, 2007

Scott and I Overlooking one off the Glacial Lakes and A Little History

When consturction began on the castle it was estimated that that Ludwig would be able to move into the castle within about three years. But the work proceeded at a painfully slow pace and more than a decade later, the castle was still not complete. In 1883 Wagner died, and the composer never actually set foot inside the castle that had been built in his honor. A year later, Ludwig decided to move in, even though the structure was still unfinished and the throne room was not yet ready to hold a throne. But the king resided there for a grand total of only eleven nights. After Ludwig died under suspicious circumstances in 1886 at the age of 41, construction on Neuschwanstein continued for another eight years. When the builders finally stopped, only a third of the rooms had been finished and decorated. Six weeks after he died the castle was opened to tourists.

1 comment:

logangal said...

This is officially my favorite photo of you and Scott. xo, Allison