Friday, June 1, 2007

“Hey Aren’t You…”

Finally, we enter the castle. It is amazing, even better than the first time I saw it. It was built in the 1880’s, and they only show 6 rooms or so because Ludwig died before he could finish it. There is some disagreement about him truly being mad or just so out of touch with his people. The proximity alone of his castle compared to his father’s castle screams daddy issues, not to mention the whole building of the castle in the first place. As Scott pointed out “Who needs to build a castle in 1888? People had guns, think about it, it was the same time as our civil war.” Plus the whole idea of him being mad just adds to the mystique of the castle. We were nearing the end of the tour, just about to enter the Parsifal room (the whole building is dedicated to the operas of Wagner) when Erin gets tapped on the shoulder. Turns out that Erica’s friend Sue, who’s been living in England, just happened to be visiting Munich with her husband and father and just happened to be on our tour. The world does work in mysterious ways.

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